To Both my Mothers
I wrote this thinking about both of you, and how special you are, and how youve always been there for me even when I dont deserve it. I wrote this thinking of a way to try to express all the appreciation and all the gratitude I have for both of you. Because on a day as special as today I can show both of you how much you actually mean to me and how I cant thank god enough for giving me the two best moms in the world. I cant thank god enough for always having both of you by my side through all the ups and downs we have been through. I know we have been through a lot lately but I will accomplish all our dreams. Thank you for being my heart when I felt like I couldnt feel anymore, for being my ears when telling me the right direction was this way, my hands when I needed to get things done, my feet when I felt like I couldnt stand up anymore, my eyes when you showed me right from wrong, my inspiration when I couldnt find anything else to live for. Thank you for giving me life and thank you for encouraging me to live my life. Thank you for keeping me up, even if it was by the neck because I know I needed it. When you feel like you cant breathe, when you feel like you cant take it anymore I will be here for both of you because I owe you my life. So many times you both have saved me, like when I was little and I almost burned my hands, like when I was little and you told me to pay attention in class because you couldnt help me as much as youd like to, like when you would do everything in your power to help me up and now I need to do the same for you because you both deserve that and much more. We have always said that where one goes we all go and that will never change. Both of you are so amazing and so caring and so extraordinary its the least I can do. This day like any other day for me is amazing as long as I always have both of you by my side, and today like any other day I know I shouldnt take you for granted, and today like any other day we should celebrate the amazing job you both have done.
Happy anniversary Gaby & Alma; The two best moms in the world !