The Artificially Fueled
We are all but ordinary
But from within we share a common vision
One where we will not be the roots of ridicule
Where we will be accepted
People with their bright lights these days
Shining them on everyone and everything
The first thing we see
Is a flaw
And more to come
How do we point them out?
By laughter
By mocking
By destruction
But what goes unnoticed
Is the natural light
Because one as simple minded as the rest
Will never notice it.
It lies within the weakest of the weak
The dumbest the dumb
The only difference
Is that it burns
Invisible to the wicked eye of the artificially brightened
But a gift to the chosen one
That being everyone.
We all chose what light we use
But most choose less wisely
Everyone has it
But for those who follow an artificial light
It dims
Unable to burn like the powerful creation of the caveman
But oh how we hate those with natural light
They are nothing like us
They are actually going somewhere in life
And oh how we secretly wish to be like them
No masks to hide their burned out flames
Oh the tiny flickers
Those with natural light will burn down the road to success
While thise with artificial light run out of charge
No longer able to hide the truth
So why bother to burn someone
When they already have powerful flames living within?
Maybe you do admire them.
Why else would you add fuel to their fire?
Im sure you at least learned
That you can't put fire out with fire
And even if you could
You would still fail
Because your fire is artificial