Slam on Equality
Equal treatment.
Your reputation is not what you are.
Or so people say.
So why is it that
When I’m seen talking to one guy one day
And another guy another day
And another guy another day
I’m a slut?
We’re just friends
I repeat
Over and over and over again
But because I’m what…
Because I’m not as innocent as Carla?
Because I’ve been in a serious relationship and Carla hasn’t?
Because I know more than she does?
Carla can talk to John
And Thomas
And Kennedy
And Mike
All in a day.
And what is she?
Who cares what others think about you?
As long as you’re happy with yourself.
How can one be so happy
With themselves
When others are labeling them
Things that they aren’t
When people around them are doing
The exact same thing
And yet, they don’t get any crap.
Or is it because I say what I want?
I express my feelings.
I ‘m blunt.
So I hurt your feelings.
So then I’m mean. So then I’m a bitch.
So because I hurt your feelings
I’m a slut, too.
Carla here, Carla’s great.
She’s nice to everyone, doesn’t say anything bad.
To your face.
So she’s friendly.
And I’m a slut.
A hoe and a slut.