Gentrify this, brother
What's in my mind?
I'll take you on a trip
up to manhattan valley,
where the white people live
I'll take you back to a time that wasn't the best
Back when this block was called the "Upper West"
In the back of an alley
there lies is my father
bloody and bruised from a brawl
how did life get this way?
how could he chose?
fast forward thirty years or so
that same dark alley is a wholefoods
on the streets that used to be littered with needles
fancy cars are parked and people wear loubiton shoes
On the same block where he had a gun held to his head
sits a gourmet bakery with $30 bread
This may seem like a good thing,
but don't misunderstand
The good people that lived there in years past
were pushed off their land.