i know rock bottom feels hollow
like a chasm that will never be filled
like the roaring won't cease and the hurt will never heal.
i know that too.
and i know light and darkness.
intentional starvation and deep seated hurt.
and i know hope and despair,
but once in my life i knew only
hunger, despair, hatred, hurt
i knew only my worth was defined
by the boy who left
the boy who used me
and the boy who walked right by
and i wish i never knew
that my innocence remained
that i could carry on with out
carrying with me these bags full of memories
but today i know what is true
hope, healing, love
because some one showed me
putting down my bags was easier
putting down my shame took more time
filling the chasm my starvation carved
took even more hours than i thought
undoing these thoughts i let run loose in my mind
well, that's still a work in progress
but i know hope
and i know healing
and i know love
because some one so graciously showed me
what these things were and how they felt
and i want to follow in their foot steps
and i want to show kids rock bottom is a choice
it is not a fate
it is not a destiny
it is sharp and painful, and it simply does not have to be.
i want to be a hand, a voice, a friend
i want to be there for them as they crawl out of darkness
slowly, inching each day
i want to be there to say:
i know what you are going through
but i know what the other side looks like too
and i know that it is worth the pain you have to endure
i want to spend my whole life
a hand, a voice, a friend
helping like i was helped
because there is more than despair, hatred, and hurt
there is hope, healing, and love to be had