Black Judge
Racial Disparity
Who are you?
We are one in the same
Maybe not crafted of the same mold but deeply rooted from the same ground
Our creators hands made us from the same clay...furthermore he has painted us the same color
Yet we do not see eye to eye because of the ignorance you hold being the same race as I
I am black yes thank you for stating this obvious fact but what I am about to say might shock you so please step back
I am black yes although my dialect is not one of trash not one of ghettoeness not one of snark not one of childishness
I am black yes but I am not rude I know how to express my thoughts intelligently without a nasty attitude
I am black yes understanding the importance of education to help guide me to help prepare me for my universal aspirations
I am black yes but I do not speak spite I try my best to uplift to bring cheer to murder the darkness with my light
I am black yes yet my skin has been oppressed not I ...I am not shackled nor chained my dreams soaring sky high
I am black yes natural hair growing towards the sun combs break rubber bands snap but I know it's the real beginning of fun
I am black yes but do you now see the stigmas that my race has lived by. Baby mommas and daddies who's pregnant who's not who is in jail who isn't. This is what we live by?
But you judge me and we are the same skin tone. We are same black. What you say only judges you so step back.