Thanks for everything
My generation isn't like yours,
you aren't picking up the pennies cried by superiors:
just to eat. just to sleep. just to live.
though you do still come home drunk nightly
just like a high school kid who's spent too much time in school,
not that money was ever for me, but for you.
But I'll work the minimum wage,
supporting myself until I can write a check to pay for everything
you should have been for eighteen years.
I still die every night when I go to bed and cry in the arms of countless girls because I needed someone to pretend that maybe I was important to someone.
and pretend they did.
Its hard to live like a charity case, collecting money and affection instead parental place,
and just-like-that. childhood is gone.
But the government won't allow me to vote in an election that doesnt matter because I'm too young but I have to decide what I want to do for the rest of my life at seventeen?
That doesn't seem too fair at all.