Dreaming...But Reality
What if your dream job could be your reality?
One dream
One job
A chance to prove yourself worthy.
Not to take it for guaranteed.
But to succeed and measure up to the expectations.
Not to stumble and fall; but to rise
To impact kids' and parents' lives.
They will touch your heart in ways you've never dreamed of.
They pour into your heart and soul with love kindness, passion, and longing for acceptance.
What is this dream job?
To be a teacher.
To inspire the kids, the parents....the world.
Yet all the while they will inspire us.
How will I get there?
I need a helping hand, not just one but several.
To inspire the world, I need a proper education and money to achieve my dream.
This job requires time, money, and energy.
But I can't move forward until I have a teaching degree and Teacher's license.
In order to dream big, I need to start small.