❤ avalie hallie mercy❤
❤ The warmth burning my skin
is not what defines me
I can be evil .❤
❤ long frosty blonde lockes
brightly blue frozen ice eyes
my skin smooth cream .❤
❤ Promiscuous , sneaky , hellish , impulsive
I have no Warmth babe
Fake , sickly sweet , Mean .
Thick with mascara lashes❤
❤ Cold cold eyes behind them
Eyes that scream mean .
I am icily gorgeous❤
❤ this waterfall of silk hair
is not a halo .
twin sharp bright eyes❤
❤ do not see the damage
the ice queen dealt .
if you could feel❤
the pain inside of them
cold eyes would tear .
The thick mascara run
Staining these porcelain perfect cheeks
The doll would crack .