Little One
Hello little one
This is your mommy
I know we haven't met yet
Just because you are in my tummy
I feel you day in day out
You hear me say
"Hey little one, stop kickin' in there"
But you do it anyway.
Months pass by one at a time
Hey little one, you awake in there?
It's almost time for you to come out and play
The day comes that you will come out
And yes I will shout.
But you know what little one,
I love you even through the pain.
I hold you for the first time
Seeing your face
Hello little one
You are my saving grace.
You are the reason I am here today
Working so hard
I love you so much little one
I will do anything for you little one
I'm waiting for the day to meet you
and see your lovely face
but till then little one,
I'll save you a space
In my heart and work so hard
I love you little one
I'm excited for the day