Not So New Year
Fireworks echoing throughout the neighborhood
Neighbors yelping and screaming for joy!
People on social media are expressing their thoughts
And you sit outside muttering oh boy!
Family going crazy, kissing each other.
But slowly peering around.
You notice my sister and her boyfriend aren't close together
Your sister's eyes are to the ground
You know that this past year hasn't been the greatest
And you tried to make it fun and new
But every time you finally felt happy
Life would do something evil to you.
Your mother asks what you want the new year to be.
You mutter and say nothing like the last one.
Your sister agrees and says Senior year is bad
And you both feel glad that this one is done.
Trying to be happy for everyone is hard
You realize that there's not much you can do.
But just when you think for once you can be happy
...You realize that this year wont be anything new.