Tick, Tick, Ring
The clock holds me captive
Seconds tick, tick, tick on by
I am glued to the chair with
The adhesive of your droning
I despise this class that you put
No effort into
Don't you get it, did I stutter?
I don't care about gravity and the sun
I won't use this later in life
Forgetting you will be easy
And I will live the life you wish
You had
I could not care less about this class
This stupid project
Look, I think they just went out
The window
Along with all your dead aspirations
Save the blank stare for someone who isn't
Going to make a jail break in five seconds
Your "lesson" will finally be over
And I don't have to pretend like
I have any shred of respect for you
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, RING
Freedom calls and it's just for me
I win, you lose, class is over