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There are many strings
Supporting the weight of us
My feet glide swiftly along
As the wire begins to thin out
I lose my initiative; I lose my sight
My toes bend and red pools beneath me
My anxiety attacking me like my racing heart when I cup my ears too hard as I count to 287.
Crying because I want to be happy,
But tired of that fucking dysphoria making me wish for misery.
When I was young and small
I would sit and play
My parents fed me do's and donts
on what I could and couldnt say
Then I got a little bigger
but still easy to deceive
so my parents fed me dos and donts
With college approaching
My sanity needs coaxing
Musing my future-
A dry, beguiled form of humor
Waiting. Debating. Suffocating.
It's the epitome of a plight
They say is only finite
Afloat in the body of an endless sea
Drenched suffocating as the shores no sight to me
Fight to be loved
Loving to fight
The night holds me tight when I struggle for light
Blood in the eyes of a sun that cries
Nothing is more lonely than unwelcome company
Choke on that flat but fierce foreign language
What are you talking about?
Sounds so cruel and base