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As intense, pleasuredScreams, pulsate through darkness, ofThese hellish cavernsShe conspires with this demon,In a most unholy way
Wielding his trustedScythe, he storms through this moonless night, saddled uponHis pale skinned stallion, asH spreads death, throughout these lands
Her white Silhouette,Weaves through weeping, tangled trees,Of this once thrivingMarshland, as her screeching wails,Bear this man's, looming death
Your three pigs, all small roundabout figures
Narcisstic parasites that do all but quiver.
Your three pigs, are found to be dead. It is not my fault, I did not make their bed.
I told you once, twice, now thrice.
No expectations
No clue to where it would lead
Afraid to open up
But slowly there was a change
Blissful thoughts and emotions
Perceptions that didn't exist before