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I don't know how
to close this chapter
Where I live through
The night
Hold me one more time
Whisper those pretty lies
Tell me I'll be fine
But I won't deny
The reaper is coming tonight
They say my writing is expansive
It's alot to say
When been through a life of tragedy
And empty space
The thoughts in my head you can never see
Cause your never me
Sometimes tears fall on these pages
It’s dedication
This writing is more than the inauguration
Of thoughts
It’s like a therapy session for me
In dark places
It comes to me
Brings me
To higher places
That I want to be
I fell,
Down the rabbit hole.
My world gets colder,
Down the rabbit hole.
Today, it finally hit me; that moment of realization. I remember the days in my life that were so horrible and low. I remembered the moment, but not the feeling.
In this day in time it is hard to find a way to express your sorrow.
But in my mind; if you dance, you'll be fine; and all you dread will be gone tomorrow.
Dear little black girl,
You are not so much little but your heart is the same,
It seems now a days im having more dreams
Were im falling straight down
No destination in sight
No light to guide
Sometimes I wish I would just reach the end
Cause it seems more and more these days
Dear God
I know this is alot to ask
I realize the universe you bear
Of the multitudes clamouring your name
Begging for the same solace I am about to beseech
Hanging, high, out of my reach
But dear God
Choking on bile
Fresh from my soul
My eyes collect
The wretched substance
I will fight
Never let the monster out
Turn around
Your innocence,
It blinds me
To know every day every wakeing moment that your ugly, your not perfect, and your the one along si
The words slipped from my breath so easily, that I didn’t even know they were gone. I was always a step behind the rest, but I never thought I would actually be left alone. The war is over but I’m still in the midst of a battle.
I hate this feeling. The feeling of hitting your breaking point. You're so broken and shattered on the inside. How can it get any worse? But then it does. And you feel like you can cry an ocean, and drown in your own painful tears.
"Thats not even muisc" they say
"All they do is scream"
It seems to me like you're forgetting something
Catchy beats and rhyming words is not what music is about
why is race important
or color looked at first
in this world of screwed distortion
the racial slurs they hurt
as you look upon the water
reflections shining bright
bringing to your memory
thoughts from that dark night
the tears erode my heart
as the colorodo carved a canyon
my life it fell apart
when you died myself my faith abandoned
sometimes when no-one else is around
in the dark i start to cry
then you can hear the saddest sound
of a tear about to die
I've lost my taste for life
The bitter flavors numbed my tongue
Through prolonged exposure
The stench of moral decay
Deadened my nose to any pleasurable scent
I can no longer make due with the sweetened illusion
Soil harsh and fierce like the winter winds,
You pushed, and were pushed back,
Back into the darkness where it all began,
You insisted, demanded, and your tenacious attitude only led you back to the silent darkness,
Hope is the thing with wings, that perches in the soul.
Or so I've been told -
Hope is more like a stalking monster
that pushes and growls
and dares you to stop moving
forward in life
always sustaining you.
I was her
I was the quiet girl who dreamt of being one of “them”
I was her
I was the girl who tried too hard to fit in
I was her
Crying from the empty in her heart
I was her
He’s the one left behind
when they’ve walked away.
She turned and walked away with the rest of them
carrying pieces of him
but he couldn’t find the strength to move.
Beautiful is just a word
That falls from ones lips,
Usually referred to those
Who have slender hips.
To those who have eyes
Of neverending pools,
And smiles so sparkling
Like rare, precious jewels.