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Moon-kissed windows,
projecting the oblivious melancholic sight
of those who shine bright, and
time-blessed gravity defyers
dancing to a rhythm of lust,
like blooming roses in the sun.
News on Channel Five
Spectacled brunettes opine
From seven to eight
Flipping sprayed-stiff hair
Experts with intelligence
And low-cut blouses
Why don't I just kill myself?
Already you're worrying, letting out a moan
And Questioning my mental health
As you dial 911, Fearing that I'll soon be a dial tone
I'm not a bumper sticker gal. There's a little
something in me that winces at
the slogans and the white sticker cut-outs on
the rear windows of an SUV. Why anyone
would feel the need to advertise
Long locks
Cute tops
And they call me shallow
Rip and cut
Till it up
And leave the field fallow
Flowers wilt
Petals fall
And a tree becomes hollow
Wait and watch
Till the weeds pop