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My year in a poem, a few
sentences, a few stanzas,
seemed, seems impossible
but nothing is impossible.
So here I go, here it is.
It all started with who I could be,
He smiled with a frown
whilst discipline is an empty bottle of sorrow
we all drown
even if we could reach and grab the hand of air
it wouldnt matter because most would seem it to be dirty
How would you spend
Your very last day?
Would you talk with a friend?
But what would you say?
Maybe you'd call and say to your mother
That you appreciate, cherish, and totally love her.
Wishing I could be like
Social, outgoing, perpetually cool
daring, throw caution to the wind, chuck the rules.
Like Friday night at the game in the stands,
Do I fancy myself as more of a Marvell
when I watch her delicate hands search
for the rubies in her mind’s Ganges?
Kid you've got to live
Kid you've got to inhale this air and pass the puff puff bc a plant will never be greater than a tree
Plant a seed and spend hours watching it grow
“Anybody” by Mackenzie Payne
Our time on Earth is fleeting,
Our life a blink of Her eye.
Filled with countless meetings,
A second's time is not as long
As the world will let you think
But still we sing our same old song
As our lives pass by in a blink
The sun goes up and the sun goes down
Woe is me, woe is me.
I've stumbled upon a light.
A light that shines bright.
A light that no one else can see.
A light that cativated me on site.
Woe is me, woe is me.
This light has seen black.
When I first found out,
There was a monster under my bed,
There wasn't a doubt,
I was scared half to death.
I tried counting sheep,
And counting to ten.
I was still losing sleep,
Time never sleeps
Not even creeps by
Showing no mercy
So why waste time dreaming of tomorrow
When tomorrow can be today
So why waste time dreaming
Why not Seize the Day
And it falls away,Nonexistence swallows it.Your own explaination becomes unexplainableIn your head, perfectWords unneccessary
Life is fickle
Just like one's mind.
Just a tiny trickle
Can upset time.
So live your life
To its fullest extent.
To save from strife
And remain content.
It's alarming
The statistics we find about:
test scores,
teen pregnancy,
underage alcohol consumption.
Because ladies and gentlemen,
two of these are shooting up
more regularly than
In the freezing cold winter day,
There's limited time for us to play.
Today's the day, we win our cup,
We'll scream and shout, and raise it up.
We are free to play and free to skate.
Reality is distant as a dream/Images become harder to procure/Shattering reailty at the seams./When the old ones continue to endure,/Seeing the shadow of a missed smile,/Wishful thinking wasted on times long gone,/Easily lost like sun on a dial/Li
To wait a second is a crime
For in the big scheme of things
Seconds add up to make a lifetime
So don’t be convicted of wasting a day
The desire
The passion
The wanting
Just didn't seem to be
When we were young
Not seeing the world to it's potential
The world on a string in their hand
(While we're talking, envious time is fleeing: pluck the day, put no trust in the future)
Live life to the fullest.
We were born to die,
What is a horizon to me?
A scarlet sun, an endless sea –
Touches of light upon the darkness.
Rays streaming from the heart,
The heart of our universe.