modern mythology
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With her sweet words and flaxen curls, soft skin and kind eyes,
Was beautiful, ethereal in her manner and dress, memorable in the minds of all who met her.
And this was her downfall.
Dull stardust dims the light that no longer reflects the Sun.Night reigns eternal, silent and dark,Echoes sounding off to make sure they aren’t alone.This was the Queen of the Day’s before she vanished,
Dull stardust dims the light that no longer reflects the Sun.Night reigns eternal, silent and dark,Echoes sounding off to make sure they aren’t alone.This was the Queen of the Day’s before she vanished,
Asclepius had decided being a doctor was what he wanted to do with his life.
He studied for tests, stayed up all night.
He stayed in the library,
until they turned off the light.
When he graduated,
Daedalus shows him how to shave,
Teaches where the razor glides smooth, shows him where his adam’s apple will grow.
It’s a simple task, one better late than never
Falling, flying, Soaring
the struggle to get up
the thunder of the gunfire
a sister falls beside me, forever laid to rest
the fight is getting dire
Valkerire fight for the Asguardians