' lgbt Pride
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Dear Deadname,
You are a gorgeous young woman.
You will do many great things.
You have a beautiful smile,
And a gorgeous face.
I long for the feeling of being myself
Will this ever stop?
Thoughts are racing,
Slowly but surely I’m becoming more and more of myself,
And each step I take,
Riches of the Poor
(Please give feedback if possible. Don't be too harsh, I'm merely getting started.)
My proclivity for you
Began in
Her eyes shine like stars
Her laugh sounds like guitars
Her smile makes me stutter
Her voice makes my stomach flutter
Dear Mom and Dad,
Let go of the daughter you thought you had
Let go of the idea that a vagina defines my gender
Let go of what those doctors told you
To be clear
I am queer.
Not yet safe,
Not yet free.
When I see people stand for their rights,
It inspires me to fight.
Fight for a better future for everyone in need.
Why does it exist?
For us it's like getting knocked in the teeth with a fist,
Over and over as the pain attempts to kill
My demons are building, like an overflowing landfill
I don’t know what my mother thinks of me
I’ve came out so many times
She says it’s a phase
It’s a phase
It’s a phase
my hands and feet could touch either sides of the walls now
so i bent my knees and elbows
i twisted and turned on the cold floor
body struggling to find a comfortable spot
face hidden by the shadows
Here upon this old woven chair
She sits in the land of the inbetween
Perched under a wooden sign post
The one rooted into muscle that sits between our ribs
There at the very tip toe top
So I'm sitting in my bunk right?
I'm writing down my thoughts,
just looking around my room lit by the faint moonlight.
I'm paranoid. I scan my room chest feeling tight with a slight edge of anxiety,
“Hi I’m Gisselle! What’s your name?”
“I’m izzy!”
“I think you’re really pretty can I have your number?”
The first interaction with the girl of my dreams.
You saw me through the sea of rainbow flags,
was a man i once ‘loved’
he said he lived in the bath
that perhaps
if i held my head
below water
Snip, snip.
Hair falls to the ground.
Another of my curls flattened.
I finally lock eyes with my mirror-self.
Is this worth it?
I look down at my lap.
Pride week is here, love
Happy pride to all the pretty humans
Be you and only you
Normality what a waste
All these years I’ve spent in this race
All the tears that have crossed my face
Think of this as my final escape
That one last jump into faith
It's not a style and it's not a phase.
They've known for a long time but have yet to live and let be.