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It's a new world outhere
to behold within
to catch without
leaving for times,
unknown to the doubts
your lives, little to the gold
found in the rubble of the world in here
we toss and turn
Are you excited to have a driver's license that can increase your freedom of movement in Alberta? If yes, then start preparing for the test as the process is not at all easy.
It's six in the morning,
My eyes to begin to bag
But I need to get up-
That breakfast is going to sag
It's time for school
That one time of the year
Where stress becomes real
Glaze on the table.
People building animals.
Teapots strewn around the room.
Teacher telling what to do.
Three months early
Twins born too small
Doctors wondered
If they'd even live at all
Months went by
From the hospital we were released
The older sister first
I wake up every morning thinking about my day
Wondering if I should go to school or stay
Since education is my only way out
I pick myself up
You ramble on and on
You don't know what you're doing
Your lecture is way too long
I don't know where it's going.
I fight to stay awake
I doodle, read and write
But how can I pay attention
It's my time to learn
my youth wasted asking you the questions I needed
why ask questions when you feel defeated
I feel so small, as you call on your favorites
like an actor without lines
New to this situation.
This college.
So many stares.
Especially in the cafe.
It's like they know that you're not a member of the scene yet.
Now I understand why we're called freshmen.
The system is brokenAnd it'll be forever before I'm softspokenI'm broke again, what the fuck is this?Since when is education reserved for the rich?
High School is a unique experience, everyone has to
Go through it, but not everyone can finish it
One way to improve High School is to remove
Unneccessary classes and requirements from the
This is the voice of many, heard by few
Little is done,
This community is put down, but keeps its ground
We are the Hispanics, the Latinos, the Spanish
College is OUR american dream
The first day is the initial shock
waking up with butterflies in your belly
wondering where to hang out
where to go
who to talk to and sit with
hoping tomorrow will go smoother
I'm on my way,
I have twelve weeks.
I count the days,
Success I seek.
As time passes
I reminisce,
picking classes,
I enjoy this.
I must be strong.
To stand a chance,