Refugee Crisis
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Iram, Lost Iram
Lost, alone, and wandered scars
Scrutinizing time
Thunders rise and soon take flight
Tinted skies with essence sighs
Dear Government, Thank you for protecting usIn times of need,But really, can you describe yourself as marvelous?If that’s your only good deed?Power,You possess itYou grasp it With every fiber of your existenceYou abuse it Twist it and turn it arou
People should listen to Auden,
He had it right.
Children play in fields of red poppies,
Not knowing when they'll see the light.
Keith was effective until
We became accustomed to death.
My abcs, my 123s,
My ins and outs,
My ups and downs,
Weren't as easy as they seem.
There was a battle-
A battle for my brain,
Shouts, Screams, Thunder, and Roars
All hidden behind unopened doors
Lies, Betrayal, Beaten, and Broke
Buried beneath the ash in the smoke
Fire, War, Gun Shots, and Swords
The cheers, the sneers, the constant fears
A country divided into these groups brings some to tears
When freedom is exclusive, and for too many it's elusive
Those cheers fall on deaf ears
Hand over heart, head lifted to Old Glory.
A flicker, a single thought, crosses my mind.
I remember, I remember when ash rained down like new fallen snow,
As a little girl coming from South America to this new country,
they told us about the "new life" we'd have, the great oppurtunities
but most importantly the safety
and the acceptance of this loving country.
Let us go then, you and I,
While the trees hold up the sky
Like green cards propped up by meek brown hands,
Let us shove our bodies through figures half awake.
The Container
Against all dependable odds,
He steps forward
Having grown much impatient by the
Sluggish uncertainty pervading the voyagers
Scurrying forth toward
Certain death or sanctuary