First poem I ever posted
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“Chin up, put a smile on that face.”
Well I’m sorry that I don’t feel like smiling today.
“Just try to think more positively.”
Conquerer of all,
Sweaty palms,
Choking on words,
Failure to speak,
Failure to reach out,
No one will see,
No one listens,
A tree stands still.
It grows from a seedling,
A small little thing
destined to be something great.
A tree stands still.
Waiting for it's turn to shine.
America the Great is a place
Said to be the greatest space
For values idealized by our forefathers.
Values such as speech and the individual
What i need All i need is the very thought that keeps me from losing my sanity
The thought that maintains my constant feel of vanity
The idea that in the long run, it'll be all worth while
My surroundings manifesting,infesting, no digestion life problems
I keep ingesting its poison eats my flesh inside out rotting soul no feelings
just a black hole sitting and staring with no thoughts