Poems from serenajimenez10

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Like everyone else, I've gone through my hardships and I know there are more to come. I've lost friends whom were close to me, I've suffered with grades in school, and I have my own family issues. I used to write with a pessimistic perspective, as you'll see in my earlier writings, but people change with time. I don't want to view what has happened and what will happen through a dark haze. I now write with a more hopeful attitude despite if I'm sad or angry. By reading these, you're getting to know the inner me and though I encourage constructive criticism, for that reason, please be honest and kind. Thank you and, by the way, it's nice to meet you! ;)
Hobby (noun) an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation.   According to definition my hobby...
this is the last show to feed on Desperation and not know the side of Liberation.   "Save me from this Crow!" is cried in Devastation  ...
Restraints are the opposite, but it never fails to be Passionate. seperate Feelings from Logic and one will become dominant.   stop being...
