Poems from pastel_pink

pastel_pink's picture
I hope your day has been good, you beautiful human, you! Go out and seize the day! Take care of yourself! You have people who love you deeply! Give them a hug today, and let them know they're special.
Perhaps Sappho had a point Perhaps the point of loving Is not to be loved forever in return, but To not be Forgotten.   I cannot say I do...
Why, my God, did you make me this way Only to tear my attractions away? To those who tell me my orientation is wrong, I never asked to be...
He leads me by still waters in the moonlight, pulling me along with him to things unseen and unknown. Holographic images will flicker but...
The world was like a Dream Today I breathed out And let my thoughts stream Into the cool and wet daylight Which wore the clouds Like a...
why is this search so hard why am i so conceited i dont know i couldnt tell you please lord show me humility
