Poems from obullock

The name I'm going by on the site is Trizdy Plat. I began writing poems in ninth grade, when I met my first friend at the high school. I had never really thought much about it, but I've always loved writing stories, even thought I'm not very good. I decided to try my hand at poetry instead, and here we are! I mainly write about love and relationships, even though I'm pretty much clueless in both areas. I find that poetry has a way of communicating what you want to say, even if what you're saying makes no sense. Right?
Hey Baaaaby-
Yo cute
My shoulder to cry on
my shopping buddy
Pretty pretty pretty
I see one gray hair, then two,
and suddenly you feel like...
I don't care who you are
you need to read this
or let me tell you
so you can hear it for yourself
Hi, my name is Beautiful
which just...
I'm not going to write about you anymore
I can't
they're all sick of you and
it's all my fault
when I talk about you I want to scream
There was one more word I needed to say
but he left before I could say it
So I texted it to him
It was Bye and he never responded
It didn't...
Hair as black as night
so it blends in woth the smoke of her home villiage
Skin as white as snow
reflecting the moonlight like a mirror...