Poems from now.twirl.that.flag
Hey, I'm Anne and I've always been super shy, so I've never really been able to share my poetry with anyone. But it's my senior year and I figured it was about time I came out of my shell a little bit before I go off to college, so here I am! I'm taking baby steps...haha:)
I wish I had just one more year.
One more trip to Disney world
and one more dance recital
and a year’s worth of memories.
I wish I had just...
The beginning of the end of our childhood.
The first semester of the last year.
So many endings.
like reading the last book of a series...
If only you could understand.
Can you not see the twinkle in my eyes
or hear the excitement in my voice
or see the happiness in my smile?...
Hours after hours of rehearsal
countless late weekend nights at the studio
and a lifetime’s worth of bobby pins, dance shoes, and ripped...
Would I be better?
I've spent so long just listening
afraid to talk.
Afraid to say something that you would use to tear me down
afraid to...