Poems from jessicaydelgado
Jessica is a shape shifter who takes on the form of full-time student, costume designer, and death enthusiast. She has lived in Southern California all of her life and is aspired to be an English Professor with emphasis in film, theater, and Chicano Studies. She writes on an international collaboration blog of published authors, Graveyardwriters.com every Monday. She will be published in two anthologies next year. If she is not amongst the crypts or writing, she spends her time with her other half who also works in theater.
Don't look that way
Don't say those things
There's another pretty woman
Look away from the screens
They are supposed to define you
The feel of the keyboard Is like the piano keys
How I make music with words
That no one wants to hear
They continue to disappear
I don't quite remember the whole visit;
was it even all real?
I was too high on narcotics, too tired from lack of sleep, and in too much...
I dreamt that I was witnessing a war
Not in full action
But of its ancient history
Looking at the artifacts of someone else's life...
To signify the pulse between my veins
Escaping outside
Of my paper-thin skin
To identify who you are
As you are...