Poems from jdaniels90
I want to love you mathematically,
tracing the lengths of your body in inches and centimeters;
graphing the rhythms of your heartbeat
in a...
The moon doesn’t look at the sun
after a long, hot day
and murmur, lazily,
“I just don’t feel like coming out today.”
The verdant leaves of...
“Watch me,”
he shrieks delightedly
my beloved baby brother with cornsilk hair
and a torn t-rex t-shirt
His citrusy seraph smile
no party with hot pink streamers
and a special birthday princess dress
no singing, no cake, no toys
I had a quiet dinner
in a small italian...
It was like this once: the spring flowers bloomed and brought you
with them, and suddenly the April rains didn’t seem
quite so heavy...