Poems from gavinbair0

I am a high school student at a small school, I've been through a lot so far throughout my life, but there are three things that I normally write about: I write about the depression that I battle every day and often lose to, and I write about the two women that I've fallen in love with, both of which left, and I'm never going to see either one again. If you like my writings, please e-mail me at gavinbair0@gmail.com. It helps to know when people enjoy or relate to the things that I write.
How can any one person have such bad luck?
I fell in love once,
But then she left when I needed her most.
I was born with the gift of...
I was given a gift by someone I truly loved,
A little green turtle,
Something I could put on my key ring.
She had one too,
And it made...
How I long to soar
On gilded wings forevermore
But stuck I am upon this ground
My feet crunching, making sound
Through the darkness
There shall always be light
While through the joy
There shall always be fright
But through the pain
There is nothing...
The sky, The sky
How true, How blue
All day bright,
With cuts long and white
But all night dark,
With beautiful points of light