Poems from Ivonne7979

Writing poetry and playing music gives my life purpose and an outlet for when times get rough. Someday I hope to reach others through this.
An explosion of feelings
come gushing out violently
A mixture of murky meanings
that blend into reality
What to feel and
what to think...
She kept on smiling, and held in tears,
afraid to release a drop, or the flow of inner fears
She was taught to appear steadfast and...
With every push
and every pull,
all her mind tells her is “Shh”
as she, with numbness, grows full
She holds in the heartbreaking screams...
On the smooth, calm surface,
it’s tranquility and happiness
An inviting lake from faraway
that promises escape and solace
from harm of the...
The wind wisps past the weeping willows
as the once-still curtains begin to billow
within the room that once harbored meaning
Now it’s the...