Poems from Grahamacre00
For others to wipe their feet on,
and enter, clean,
into new oppurtunity,
new space to grow and explore and fill
and freedom of...
You--spill over margins,
between lines
lace ink
with weakness--Your--
trembling fingers
aching viscera
cold sweats--pouring between...
soft fur
fat cat
from twenty pounds
to ten
at twelve years old
and still a fat cat
in my mind
with baggy skin
who can't eat
and softer fur...
The Corridor becomes the world
Beyond the world
The Void unfurls
A whirl of faces and facades
Flashing frightening bright...
I think in differnet places.
Calculus is in the crinkled skin of my forehead
and tight at the apex of my scalp
Marching is in my bones...