Poems from Eme1294
tears of joy roll down my skin,
my heart warms up
nothing can stop this feeling
it replaces the hate
the anger
the depression
It keeps me...
Picture of the past,
Replaced with pictures of you.
The fun times that turned sour then,
Is just history now.
Standing on the edge of ,...
Masks hide the face from everything, with many shapesColors, and ShadesA mask of Purple hides my depressionA mask of Red hides my angerA...
Love is slow and painful, but it accelerates as you lose the one you love.Is it best to live alone or look for the love, an eternal...
A Civil War,No, not of ,GunsSwordsAnd Cannons.But of Words,SpitAnd tearsA harsh ink splatteredOnEveryPageOfwhat was calledA holy place....