Poems from AllyDudley

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I write sometimes
Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore, We are neck deep in denialshouting from our lungs,We are starving head cases.We are two am phone calls...
It's labored breathing and breaking heartsIt's not know where tostart with goodbyesIt's teardrops and achy chestsIt's losing the only...
LISTEN, who told you that God could not be a woman?I am almost 6 feet under my own fearsand I have no holy power to turn tothat is a...
My body rejects the writing because writing is like an I.V. in my veins. It clears the venom out of my body and dries up the river of words...
We are just kids who can't stop the voices of our demons. Too tired from trying to keep ourselves sane, we are out on the edge not caring...
