Poems from AliAK47King

AliAK47King's picture
34 married my widsom and knowledge came from life experience.. im an avid reader writer, of all genres of writing.. i love the arts, whether it be musical, literary, or abstract art, any form of self expression attracts my interest, im a wife a mother, a system bucker, and i dance to my own rythym in life, im not a follower, i always "do me"... i dont follow others or mimic pop culture-mainstream society's rules.. i will risk the popularity or judgemnt of others to just be myself.. i do what i like because it makes me happy...i dont live to please the general population.. i live for myself and my loved ones..
I heard life has a way of working itself out, and time always fixes everything. .Be it a few months or years down the road or maybe a...
Family treeIt's hard to believe i branched out from the ones who conceived me, who introduced me to all this disorder and dysfunction, the...