Your Fate is Sealed
The cattle car stopped, our ten day trip we hoped to be through
So much hatred from a Nazi, so much hatred toward a Jew
Our belongings were taken, to where we don’t know
The pile of suitcases beginning to grow
The smell of death and burning flesh was in the air
From the moment we stepped into the courtyard square
Families departed, relatives sent to die
The others could live, oh how hard they would try
A man shot down, just left on the side
They will always find you, so don’t try to hide
Arbeit Macht Frei read above on the gate
No one knew what it meant, the iron sealing their fate
To the gallows with him, the others to the gas chambers with fright
Heading to my barrack, I lucked out tonight
Awaking at dawn, a man dead on top of me
He’s away from the pain, he is finally free
I look around and begin to count more
Dozens lying dead on the cold barrack floor
Skinny and naked, eyes rolled back into his head
He too escaped suffering, escaped the dread
Bodies were piled, plowed away, killed just for fun
Someone’s mother, their daughter, and also their son
The fight is not worth it, my heart will not mend
Maybe I’ll die, never seeing this place again
All alone, no one but me
My God, my Savior, where can you be?
A man comes and takes me by the hand
A Nazi, a German, from that evil land
Around my neck the rope is hung
My tears held back under the killer sun
As I’m dropped to my death others are beaten and have fits
In this new home that we call Auschwitz