You Are The Only One I Will Ever Need
You are my air.
You breathe life into me,
fill my lungs with all that is you,
become the relief in my heavy chest.
You are my eyes.
You allow me to see
the beauty in myself I have
ignored and denied for years.
You help me realize
I am more than flaws.
You are my hands.
You help me reach out and touch
the ones who are hurting, lost,
You help mend my wounds
from words like knives that
rip apart flesh and
claw at my heart.
You are my voice.
Through the two of us,
we share stories of trying times,
stories of when darkness almost won,
stories of times we nearly let ourselves go.
You are my drug.
You are the addiction from which
I will never recover.
Withdrawals of you often leave me
empty, cold, and fearful of the danger that is my body.
You are my passion.
You, the fire that burns in my soul,
never cease to help me strive
to be a better human and
create a better humanity.
You are the one
I will never stop loving.
You are the only one
I will ever need.