You are not special.
In war
You are not special.
You are the means to an end.
They will not care that someone loves you.
They will shoot first and ask questions later.
Or ask none at all.
In war
You are not special.
You are the pawn
Of old men and their greed.
They do not care for your life,
Just for the green they expect in your sacrifice.
In war
You are not special.
You are the man I love.
But that will not protect you.
That will not help you as you watch your friends die
One by one.
In war
You are not special,
Neither am I.
But I will sit at home and work
Work hard to make sure I can do what I can so that you will survive.
Even if it means you are coming home a broken man.
Because in war
You are not special.