Year One
Dear Addison,
It's momma. Happy birthday. Today is the day I guessed would've been your birthday.
I think about you every day, and I love you very much.
I'm sorry I never got to hear your heartbeat.
I'm sorry I never got to feel you kick.
I'm sorry I never got to hold you.
I wish I could've seen what color your eyes had been,
Or if you had gotten my lips.
I wish I could've seen you sit up, crawl, maybe walk, say your first word.
I wish I could've woken up to you crying in the middle of the night for me.
I wish I could've been the momma you needed.
I wish I could've been the momma you deserved.
I got better because of you, Addison.
You made me a better person.
You made me get help.
And one of these days, I'll talk about you in therapy.
I'm not ashamed of you.
I love you.
I hope if there's an afterlife, you can still love me.
And I hope that there is something so I can meet you one day.
Happy 1st birthday, Addison.
I love you.