The World As I See It
Everyone wants to be pain free
But anger and pain closes in.
Wraps you up and suffocates you
The way of life that is pleasant
Crumbles to the end, with the BLOOD OF INNOCENTS
Time ticks as the world descends into darkness
Finding your path turns into
Finding anothers sorrows
Everyone wants to be pain free
But how could we when the world is on the brink of the end
Rampages of anger spreading like wild fire
Catching and finding everyone,
Burning them so they can show the world these wounds and scars
Trying to build boundaries to keep others out.
Peace has been tossed out the window
Filled in with the communication of hatred
But there is only 1%
That grabs peace, raises it up
AND keeps it as high as possible.
This is the heart of a 5’9” high school kid
Telling this to all those ungrateful pieces of shit
Hoping for peace to finally break out of its shell and come out
Yet, everyone wants to be pain free
But without peace and hope
The world will always be dark.
Once people can see that
Then, the love will begin
Flowers will bloom.
The sun will rise and always
Stay at the highest point in the day.
Help me make there be more than 1%
Rise up and grab a hold of hope
Help bring our lives back.
Combine your heart with peace and hope.
Because everyone wants to be pain free.