Words for Community
If I see what nobody else sees,
I’ll be labeled with the crazies.
Even if reality is what one perceives,
If there’s nobody to share it with,
It might as well be a myth.
Reality becomes a hallucination
In the absence of communication.
I need my voice to be heard.
I want people to read my written word.
If I cannot speak to the earth,
There was no point in my birth.
When I waste my word’s worth
I devalue my own life.
Human strife
Is lonely without others.
We must become sisters and brothers,
For without human fusion,
The world is a mutual illusion,
Society falls into confusion
Because all suffer delusion.
Let me elucidate:
If we don’t communicate,
If our tongues are missin’,
If we never listen,
We’ll never think what others think.
Every human will sink
Into pure vanity,
A kind of insanity.
But we all have the choice
To share our words and voice.
Individuals become a community.
The human joins humanity.
We find a precious unity.