He shines with light a sheep they say
they never see him the same way
his children see him everyday
dripping, snarling, heavily
he will not show us sympathy
to see a beast so shrewd revealed
layer by layer each is peeled
sorrows skin for us to see
no one else can apparently
howling now a sinful tune
he sheds his skin beneath the moon
a wolf we see and not the lamb
all his children are the damned
he has no time to lie in wait
he must move now our sin is bait
devour our souls it's far too late
what lies beneath not heavens gate
sorrow is the skin he's in
sorrow are his children
shed his skin and you will see
a heart too dark for empathy
sorry he could never say
would it could it take away
the stain he leaves as he betrays
he laughs again another day