Without Those Women
Women were once mommas.
Once classy ladies
And Sisters
The men are all fighting
Gals have replaced
Their misters.
No longer in dresses
And ribbons,
And shiny white pearls
They are covered in grease.
Hair pulled back,
No flowing curls.
They pull double shifts.
The wages are lower,
But they are working like men.
The boss is tougher.
There is no equal pay.
Will this war ever end?
Women worship their Jesus,
Their mothers,
And Rosie.
They dream of equality,
And riches,
Their trophy
They were loyal,
They were strong and sure had the looks.
“We can do it “
They all said.
And showed all the men what it took.
So here’s to the mommas,
Who took off their aprons and
Picked up a wrench
Here’s to the ladies
Who shed their pearls so their men
Could help the French.
Here’s to the sisters
Who pulled back their hair.
Without the women of World War II
Girls like in today’s world wouldn’t have a prayer!