Who Knew?
A switch didn’t flip,
the impact wasn’t sudden.
Yet the change felt
just as jarring.
One day, responsible free,
the next, my brown head of hair
poked out a drive-thru window,
a smile and a greeting on my lips.
the first check fell upon
my anticipating fingers.
Not a day later,
I owned my first stick of
cherry red lipstick.
Dad handed me the car keys
that Summer and trained my
unpracticed foot. The same
Summer I began to feel
uneasy to fall under
the male gaze. For once,
I felt like prey.
Everything was different
all of the sudden.
I was free, but
under watchful eyes.
I was unafraid, however
not without caution.
Who knew leaving your
childhood would feel like a
buffer period? An “in between-ness”?