Who am I?
Is my heart mistakend? Is this an inner me that has awakened?
The pain and the sorrow of not knowing how I feel. Is this even real?
Questions running through my head, with such dread. Like peanut butter my thoughts are spread across my head as I lay in bed.
Who am I? My doubts and insecurities offer me no purity. All I want is security and acceptance. But I am shut down by the world that I live in. Their words smother me like a cover. They blind me and remind me how unkind the world can be to people like me.
Does He hate me? The man in the sky, the big guy. Some say he condemns people like me, others fight, reaching for our gay right.
Frozen. My heart is frozen, with the pain and confusion. It's driving me insane. I'm stuck in this closet of confused sexuality, hiding like a coward, ready to be devoured. Is this a disease? How can I appease? Someone please. . .