When I grow up...
When I grow up, I want to be an Anna Wintour
-- no, a Jay-Z -- wait! A Beyonce.
Maybe I want to be a Steve Ells
-- or a Sheryl Sandberg.
I could be a Tavi Gevinson
-- a Malala Yousafzai
-- a Hillary Clinton.
But people are not jobs... People are people.
And I can’t be them… I can only be me.
Me, myself, I.
I am going to be a mover, a shaker, a game changer.
I am going to shift opinions.
I am going to close deals.
I am going to be everything I have ever wanted to be, and I am going to do it myself.
When I grow up,
I will not be an Anna Wintour --
I will be me.