What's the Difference?
For what’s darkness,
But a contrast to light?
The only reason light can exist
Is because there is darkness for it to illuminate.
Light heals,
While darkness kills.
Yet one can’t exist without the other.
For what’s love,
But a contrast to hate?
The emotions are opposites,
Total extremes.
Then why are they so similar?
Hate must exist before love can have any meaning.
Love heals,
While hate kills,
Yet one can’t exist without the other.
For what’s broken,
But a contrast to perfection?
Nothing can be broken,
Until a perfect version is created.
Doesn’t that make us all broken?
Perfection heals,
While brokenness kills,
Yet one can’t exist without the other.
For what’s depression,
But a contrast to happiness?
No one can be depressed,
Until they’ve felt happy.
When happiness is taken away,
Life seems lost and useless.
Happiness heals,
While depression kills,
Yet one can’t exist without the other.
For what’s pain,
But a contrast to health?
Pain cannot be felt
Until it increases.
We’re always in pain,
We just don’t realize it,
Because we’ve never felt better.
Health heals,
While pain kills,
Yet one can’t exist without the other.
For what’s death,
But a contrast to life?
Death could not exist,
If life did not exist first.
If death did not exist,
Life would not either.
Life heals,
While death kills,
Yet one can’t exist without the other.