What Is My Fate?
I'm lost.
Time passes in a blur
Things unheard, unspoken words
How do I feel?
Broken, with no reason
My feelings change like every season.
All I do know is this
Everything hurts. Sweet bliss, missed.
Physcial and emotional pain,
But I paint on a smile to store it away.
No one knows what's underneath that layer
I keep it hidden.
I forbid it
To be revealed to others
They have their own lives to worry
I won't be a burden on anyone's shoulder but mine.
Why do I worry about others so?
I want to be wanted
Love to be loved
But I'm still here, alone
Doing what I feel I must
Why do others have what I want?
Why not me?
Why can't I "taste and see"
What Almighty God has in store for me?
I begin to doubt
Why am I this way?
Why can't I have the love others throwaway?
I don't know.
So I sit and wait
And I wonder, wonder
What is my fate?