What I want to say on a daily basis
I don't care who you are
you need to read this
or let me tell you
so you can hear it for yourself
Hi, my name is Beautiful
which just happens to be who I am
and the words I'm going to use right now
are very similar to my name
I love you.
Yes, you.
Not the you behind you
or to the left or right of you.
You, yes, I see you
and know in your heart I love you
I want you, who is reading these words
that I mean with all my heart
I want you to see
and hear these words in your mind
I want you to hear
and see these words surround you with love
I'm going to confide
in you, my truest love
that I am crying right now
chose to believe me or not is your choice
Two days ago something happened
I put my head on your shoulder
and as I was in the middle of thinking how much I love you
I snorted
No, this isn't a letter to a person
this is for you, yes
if you could stop doubting that it's you I'm talking to that'd be great
I snorted
"What if Mussolini was a pasta?"
and I laughed harder than I should've
it wasn't even that funny
I laughed for a straight three minutes
and at one point
I wasn't laughing anymore
I was crying
You can think
'Oh, she must be one of those emoional people then'
and yes, hello,
my name is also Emotion
Everything I love cries.
Everything I touch is going to cry.
I don't care that you're seven or eighty six
I'm crying over you right now.
Everything I love cries.
I love you.
I love you with all my heart.
I hope you sob into your pillow tonight.
Because my goal for you
yes you,
If you could stop doubting please
I love you
My goal for you is to change your name to Beautiful
to change your name to Emotion
to realize who you are
to become Love.
I Love you
I want to tell you
I need to
I don't care who you are
I see you,
stop hiding me in your own ideas
if you're going to remember one thing from today
Let it be that you are loved
I didn't put my head on your shoulder two days ago
no, I didn't, you who doubts
we both know that
but I hope that when you're done
The only thing I want you to never forget, my love,
is when you're done
we both know that I love who I put my head on
and I love you just as much
It is my turn to doubt
that anyone will actually read this through
Anyone will believe that I'm actually talking to them
anyone will believe how hard I'm crying
Hi, my name is Beautiful
My name is also Emotion
and Daughter, and Love, and Care
And Hope, and Realization, and
Hello, my name is Cry.
Everything I love cries
that's why I cried for the first time
two days ago