What is 'Flawless'?
You told me you were flawless.
I laughed and called it impossible.
Last time I heard it, being flawless wasn’t plausible.
Yet you still shouting out “Flawless”,
To about 96% of people that could care less.
I give you an applause.
Because you think you’re so flawless,
But remember sweet heart, we all have flaws.
And unfortunately, since we’re all governed by the same laws,
Of nature, by no chance are you flawless,
Nor are you faultless.
You’re conspiring with a society,
That’s trying to preach how young girls should be.
But if you ask me,
It’s all not a part of what humanity should be.
Why should I care about how other girls dress,
When I know I feel comfortable rolling out of bed looking a hot mess.
I guess if I confess,
I used to be the one that worried about how she dressed.
But then eventually I figured out,
That that’s not what my life should be about.
So again I don’t get it.
What is this flawless?
Hell if I could be best dressed,
I’d do it looking a mess.
But then I’d be wrong,
But only because society’s ideals are so strong.
So again I have to ask “What is this flawless?”
And have I accomplished it yet?