What am I thinking about?
Think. Right now.
What's on your mind?
Pain, confusion,
Life, the future,
How things grow, science.
What are my desires, my weaknesses?
How many birds will I see today?
Which one of them is the oldest, I'll never know.
Will I casually see my soul mate today, and never realize who he is?
Will I ever see him again?
Will I do something that will help me later on?
Or is today a waste, not contributing to my life at all?
Will I make someone's day with a smile?
Or do I even matter to the world today?
My body is getting older ever second, how do I feel about that?
Is it depressing? Exciting? Somewhere in between?
The man outside mowing the grass, what are his dreams?
Is he happy?
Is it weird to wonder?
About the people around you, driving in their cars.
Why do some speed?
Why are some so slow?
And why doesn't anyone know how to use a turn signal??
I'd like to know.
I'd like to know if the things I am eating are doing damage or benefiting my body.
How will I ever know?
My body doesn't tell me.
It's amazing how I can type.
To have 5 fingers on both hands.
What if I had 6?
What if we all had 7?
Would we be accustomed to it and think it's normal?
And then when we ponder the possibility of having 5 on each hand, would we think it would be weird?
And the hair on my head, why does it grow?
How does it not feel pain when I cut it, how do I not feel pain?
Cut me anywhere else and I will.
Oh but colors, all our imagination.
Each and every individual.
Do we see the same?
If I look out my window, and you look out yours, is the world the same in any way?
My thoughts, a pattern, a cycle, they're random, never ending.
And I love it.